Thank You, Re: site & plans = less interest in associate status?
From: Kristi Barlow (
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:32:48 -0700 (PDT)

Thank you everyone who has responded (some off-list) with feedback to my question about associates not joining us as much as they used to.

We are now discussing reducing or dropping altogether our associate fee and removing other impediments to moving people forward. We'll see if it makes a difference.

I wish I had more time to participate in this list's regular discussions. We seem to always be in make-or-break mode here at Brooklyn Cohousing, and so I tend to ask for help from this list more often than have time to answer others' queries. As we all know, what goes around in cohousing comes around, and I know that at the end of getting our project built we'll be able to give back a lot more.


member of Brooklyn Cohousing
16 families/individuals seeking 14 more

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