Mexicommunity - background
From: David Hornick (
Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 09:56:08 -0700 (PDT)
I've had a few off-list communications requesting that I post background
information for this project to acquaint the cohousing community with my

It's somewhat complicated, but perhaps it will be helpful for readers to
know that I am a physician who has dedicated my career to providing medical
care to people that are homebound.  I started in Philadelphia in 1974 and
have continued in Upstate New York since moving here in 1983.

My professional experiences have led me to understand how important it is
that people who are are homebound have access to medical care.

I've also come to appreciate the importance of home architectural design,
landscape design,  and 'community' on ensuring quality of life for frail
older people and younger people with disabilities.

The Mexicommunity project grew out of my experiences as a homecare
physician.  It is a not-for-profit venture looking for volunteers to assist
with the development.  Anyone interested?

For a better understanding of the philosophy behind Mexicommunity, you can
read a short article by one of my friends in Oaxaca at:

You may also find it helpful to read the short 'Overview' of the
Mexicommunity Project at:

My connections with cohousing go back several years.

In 2008, I organized and moderated the Aging-in-Place section of the Annual
Conference held in Waltham, MA.

I appreciate hearing from folks who have constructive comments about

If I can be helpful to any community that is struggling with Aging-in-Place,
feel free to contact me at:

* * * * *
David N. Hornick, M.D., M.P.H.
Homedical Associates
16 Crimson Oak Court
Schenectady, NY  12309-2234
Office: (518) 346-3100
Mobil: (518) 878-9355 (preferred)
Skype:  davidhor


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