Call for journalist interviewing cohousers
From: Rebecca Lane (
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 01:33:30 -0700 (PDT)
If you or someone you know someone who fits the profile that this
journalist wishes to interview, please send me their name & contact data

"My piece is on the increase in late-life divorce (after a long first
marriage or after remarriage). I need to find a man who lives in co-housing
who moved in after he got divorced in at least his late 40, early 50's. I
want to get a quote from him about why he moved to co-housing (I'm guessing
the companionship, built in community and other reasons) after his divorce.
 I don't need to know the nitty-gritty of the divorce or what he thinks of
his ex--this is more on the national implications of this surge in older,
single people. I do need to use his real name. And I do need it ASAP (of
course!). If he's divorced more than once, as long as it's after age 48 or
so, all the better! But once is certainly fine."

Rebecca Lane
Executive Director
Cohousing Association of the US
ExecDir [at]

Please join us at the 2012 National Cohousing Conference
Oakland, CA - June 13-17 *Creating Sustainable Neighborhoods; Learning from
the Cohousing Experience!*


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