Re: Is Cohousing Cheap(er)?
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 11:55:18 -0800 (PST)
On Jan 1, 2013, at 6:05 PM, Liz Ryan Cole <lizryancole [at]> wrote:

> I think a 1200 square foot home with the shared cost of common space is 
> certainly going to be less expensive than the single family home at 2500 or 
> 3000 square feet (you can tell we are not in a city).

Except that you have to add the cost of the commonhouse and all those 
furnishings and utilities to the cost of the individual homes. We share those 
but we also have more of them. Thus richer but not cheaper.

I don't see people who want 2500 or 3000 square feet homes accepting 1200 
except when they were ready to downsize anyway. In our neighborhood, you can 
buy a single family 3-4 bedroom house with a yard and a garage for what our 
three-bedroom units cost.

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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