Co-Housing (Light) in Asheville NC
From: Laurie (
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:28:44 -0700 (PDT)
I previously mentioned in an email of our "intentional neighborhood" which 
includes 10 small homes and a common house within  a park-like setting on 3.25 
acres in Asheville, NC.  We continue to move forward as our conceptual design 
plans for the homes is now completed and design development progresses.  We 
foresee breaking ground for the first house by end of summer!  Our focus on 
relationships within this time includes awareness practices, compassionate 
communication and sociocratic decision making, all vital to the heart of living 
at Echo Hills.  Should you like more information or have plans to visit 
Asheville let me know and we'd be glad to discuss our vision further with you.

Ron & Laurie

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