How would this work-property already owned by someone...
From: MJWB (
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:52:29 -0700 (PDT)
HI folks,

    I had asked the group previously how to switch a single owner over to 
cooperative housing.
There are 4 units, and some people gave me good advice so that I was able to go 
further. I'm now
wondering..... What would happen to the owner's equity in the property, as he's 
owned it for about
10 years would he reap something out of the sale to a cooperative? Or 
to Retrofit Cohousing? 

Or how else could it work?
He's concerned, rightly so; about his investment. If we do this as "retrofit 
cohousing," or "casual cohousing,"
does anyone know just how that works? What would he reap as benefits?

  I hope I've been articulate enough. Thank you everyone.


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