Re: helping owners sell
From: David Heimann (
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 09:10:06 -0700 (PDT)

Hello John and everyone,

        We at JP Cohousing do much of what folks have described earlier:

o Maintaining an interest list, which we notify when a unit becomes available.

o Having a marketing maven (or several) who helps the seller and the various prospects through the process.

o Having information on what banks have given what mortgages to our various buyers.

o Getting the word out, in addition to the interest list, to places such as local "sympatico" organizations, local newspapers, and Cohousing-L (of course!).

o  Having residents get the word out to organizations that they belong to.

o  Having several open houses, with residents volunteering to staff them.

o  Having several site tours, with resident volunteers.

o Prospective buyers need to visit us at least once (possibly for a meal), and come to at least one General Meeting.

o We have a "clearness process" for a committed buyer, which is similar in concept to the Quaker clearness process. The buyer meets with a clearness committee consisting of several volunteer residents. In the meeting, several questions are addressed, including:

* Does the buyer understand what they are getting into by joining a cohousing community, especially ours?

* Does the buyer understand that there are work obligations such as attending General Meetings, being active on at least one committee, and putting in at least a defined amount of work (current 4 hours) a month?

        *  Does the buyer understand what consensus decision-making is?

* Has the buyer read through the condominium documents (which include a lot of the above), and agree to them?

* What can the buyer offer us as a community member, and what can we as a community offer the buyer?

* After this discussion is complete, do you want to go forward with the sale? (Notice that we have no up or down approval decision; the prospective buyer self-selects. Notice also that having said that we do have a right of first refusal that we have never yet used.)

o The formal process of an offer sheet, purchase and sales agreement, mortgage financing, and closing is between the seller and the buyer

David Heimann
Jamaica Plain Cohousing

Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 10:52:27 -0700
From: John Goldberg <johngoldberg [at]>
To: Cohousing dot org Listserv <cohousing-l [at]>
Subject: [C-L]_ Helping owners sell

I would like to know what other Cohousing communities do to help sellers when they want to sell their homes.


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