Re: Movies or short videos about cohousing (Malin Hansen)
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 07:08:16 -0700 (PDT)
> On Apr 12, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Ann Zabaldo <zabaldo [at]> wrote:
> I don't see how we're ever going to get any racial diversity into cohousing 
> if we continue to produce information that is targeted to and shows only 
> white people. 
> But… Maybe were not committed to racial diversity. Who am I to say?

In the archives, there is a post I wrote on my history with alternative 
organizations and minorities. For a minority person to join a minority 
organization doubles the minority status.

And in many areas, certainly not all, the percentage of people who have 
minority status is very low. Add that percentage to the percentage of people 
interested in cohousing and ..... I don't know how to add percentages but you 
get the point. There aren't options everywhere.

There are many other forms of diversity than just race -- which is a fairly 
meaningless definition of people anyway. Skin color is pretty much as close as 
you can get to defining race without a DNA test. Is skin color is a meaningful 
definition of diversity.

We do have the EHO icon on the website, but it emphasizes that we are "housing" 
which is something some people don't like to talk about because cohousing means 
community, not real estate. It's a two edged sword.

Sharon Villines
Sociocracy: A Deeper Democracy

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