Re: Photos needed!
From: Linda Hobbet (
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 09:23:49 -0800 (PST)
We are under construction at Village Hearth Cohousing and have started talking about colors for the buildings (our homes will be in quads). I suggested looking at websites of other communities to find examples we like for inspiration. It has been surprising that very few include good photos of the buildings that allow us to get a good idea of their color scheme. Most show photos of the gardens and nature and photos that show bits of the buildings. Maybe try to include some of them as well. It's hard to get a good feeling for the environment when it's all closeups.


On 2/17/2019 7:46 AM, Fred H Olson wrote:
My impression is that images on cohousing websites tend to be of spaces in cohousing without people present. Since cohousing is ultimately about people using those spaces, I urge taking pictures with people.

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