Expense reimbursement
From: Susan Rohrbach (sujaro539yahoo.com)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 06:56:40 -0700 (PDT)
At Sonora Cohousing our system is much less complicated than some that have 
been described. We have 2 debit cards and those who use it bring receipts to 
treasurer to be recorded in accounting system. We have even arranged with feed 
store that they automatically charge the debit card for repeat purchases of 
chicken feed so team member does not need to show the card when picking up 
supplies. For most other purchases people submit itemized receipts and get 
credit toward their monthly dues. We rarely issue checks to homeowners with 
this system and there is no complicated paperwork. Suppliers who invoice us are 
paid through our banks bill pay service. Team leaders let treasurer know if 
there are particularly large expenditures that team has approved. So far it has 
worked but we have not been audited so perhaps we are naive.
Susan RohrbachSonora cohousingTucson AZ

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