Re: Cohousing Caravan Park
From: Dahako (
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 04:45:52 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all-
Not trailers please - I work in disaster recovery - including dealing with  
the aftermath of the hurricanes in Florida and all along the East Coast last  
year.  No plain trailers.  
How about single or double-wide manufactured housing on a permanent  
foundation with the wheels removed and with HUD-standard roof tie-downs?   Such 
housing can be affordable but a far better investment and more  
than trailers. Not to mention easier to get financing and  permits for. I think 
you could use an extra doublewide for a common house.   Might even be able to 
get a grant from FEMA mitigation funds for a safe room for  a disaster 
shelter that could also be used for other community functions.
Jessie Handforth Kome
Eastern Village Cohousing
Silver Spring, Maryland
Where the artists who were using our unfinished commercial wing for a show  
just packed up and left, and we are waiting for an influx of cohousers from all 
 over the Mid-Atlantic for a weekend of facilitation training with Laird  

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