Re: Pet Policy
From: Charlie Hancock (
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 08:39:32 -0500
Berkeley Cohousing is also working on a pet policy.  When the final
construction phase is completed in Spring 1997, we will be an urban
community of 14 households on 3/4 acre.  As others have found, it
certainly is one of the most emotional issues we've faced.  Among the
concerns we want our policy to address are noise, safety (we have lots of
kids), and minimal impact to our small but valued wildlife (song birds and
the occasional visiting racoon). 

We would especially appreciate seeing the official (printed in house 
rules) pet policies from communities of similar density.  In fact, I'd be 
happy to send an SASE to any community willing to give us a copy of their 
complete house rules (not CC&R's or By-laws; we've got those pretty much 
finished)--just let me know via e-mail.


Charlie Hancock           <chancock [at]>
6433 Colby St, Oakland CA 94618
W: 415-561-6100 ext 104   H: 510-595-8385 

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