Re: Anxiety, Community Development and the Role of Design
From: Sue Roenke (
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 14:55:41 -0700 (MST)
Hi, all, I am finding this topic interesting.  I have been a lurker on the
list mainly, but have enjoyed many of the topics discussed.  Opened my eyes
to many ins and outs to cohousing!  I just wanted to add my input to this
topic.  My family is looking to move into Song of Ecovillage of Ithaca, NY
and the way I have been looking at it is, I am just happy to be able to be
involved and live in a cohousing community, and I am not that particular as
to what house design I have, or which house in the plans (that have already
been made by the earlier people), just so long as I can live there!  I would
be happy with a 2 bedroom for our family of five, even (3 girls makes it
easier to do that.)  We have lived in a few places and I don't think there
is any "perfect" place anyway.  The only advantage I can see with custom
building is you have to live with what you thought would be perfect, even if
it's not!  And when customized too much, hard to resell unit.  There are
enough ways to customize your home with decorating, and having your own
furniture that for me at least, anyplace can be made "your home."  I do see
how it might help "build" community, but there are so many other ways of
doing it, like the CH where all will be using, rather than just one family.

Sue Roenke, wife of Mike, mom to Marie, 2-19- 92, Sarajane, 3-22-95, and
Rosemary, 1-19-98
"Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that
life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how
painful your situation might be, you can survive it."
     Bill Cosby

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