RE: Should individual "sponsorship" be allowed of communityproperty?
From: Kevin Kleinfelter (
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13:18:07 -0600 (MDT)

From the comments on this topic, it is apparent that there are multiple
models of community/cohousing. I'd call one, "cooperating independent households," or perhaps "to each according to his needs and from each according to her means." I'd call another, "strict equality." Others certainly exist.

Perhaps I'm reading something into messages that isn't there, but I sense a tone of this-is-the-right-way in some messages. Interdependence includes independence, but the degree of independence is not carved in stone (or even in Lexan). The degree of independence within interdependence is something that a community has to work out for itself over time. It may even change over time, with some members leaving to seek more/less independence. They may even join seeking one level, and grow to value a different level.

Values that suit one community will be different from the values that suit another community. This is good. The harm comes when one says, ours are better.

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