Re: Re: "Sexuality" in Co-housing
From: Sharon Villines (
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 08:41:12 -0800 (PST)

On Mar 12, 2006, at 9:08 PM, Amy Gahran wrote:

This brings up a question I have. Generally, are non-monogamous
relationship/family structures accepted well in cohousing communities?

There was a huge discussion about poly relationships on the list about 6 (?) years ago so check the archives.

Basically, after living in cohousing for 6 years with every kind of relationship I can think of including poly, the main issue for most people is _discretion_ about sexual relationships in general.

Cohousing is a multigenerational community that is more child centered (not just child friendly) than many. Thus blatant, obvious sexual behavior and discussion and jokes are inappropriate. Parties in the commonhouse are like family gatherings. It just isn't comfortable in those settings to parade through your most recent (and temporary) lover. Cohousing is about long term relationships, not bar or bed hopping.

We have not had problems with anything here and have gone through at least three partnerings and break ups of community members dating and co-habitating with each other, one lesbian marriage, several gay lovers appearing and disappearing. The only concerns I heard expressed related to condom wrappers and underwear found in the commonhouse one morning, and one gay man with teenaged children bringing a series of lovers. The poly relationship was both the most acknowledged and the most discrete. If it hadn't been disclosed when one of the partners joined the group, most of us would never have tumbled to it. (They have since joined other partners and left the area.)

Sharon Villines
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington DC

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