Re: Guest Etiquette Question
From: seniorcohousing (
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 15:32:59 -0700 (PDT)
---- Cher Stuewe-Portnoff <cherworks01 [at]> wrote: 

> There's probably not one right answer, but we could sure use a sense of what
> is generally considered good manners before we travel any farther :-).
> Thanks!
> Cher & Greg 

My personal opinion, as a fellow guest: make a donation to the general 
cohousing community fund equal to about what it would cost to stay at a nice 
B&B in the neighborhood.

I've only stayed at two communities, both times in guest quarters.  No one has 
ever complained about my donation, and both times, I got a thanks from the 
financial committee.

I also feel it's appropriate to make a donation if you've had a tour.  After 
all, someone has spent at least an hour, sometimes much more, to take you 
around.  My time is worth a lot.  I assume my tour director's time is worth a 
lot, too.

And, ahem, there is a side benefit.  Folks get to know your name if it's on a 
check.  It's just human nature.  I've never run across a cohousing community 
that couldn't use a little cash.  If you have it, share it.

If you don't, though, you might want to offer some other thing of value--work 
time, for example.  If you're an expert in something, offer a specific number 
of hours of consultation in return for your visit.  It may be that no one will 
take you up on it right away.  In fact, it may be years.  But surely part of 
the cohousing movement is giving what you can when you can?

Nina, Ocean State Cohousing, RI

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