Re: "Community guests" in CH guest rooms
From: Eris Weaver (
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 06:17:56 -0700 (PDT)
Here at FrogSong we do not charge for guest room use - we figure that it is
an amenity that we all paid for to build and maintain and thus belongs to
all of us - individual use of ALL our amenities varies so why charge for one
thing and not others? Charging residents for use of shared space has always
seemed odd to me.

RE: "community" guests - we require that ANY guest be sponsored by someone
in the community - that person is in charge of letting the guest know our
rules and customs, cleaning the room after, etc. When someone who isn't a
personal friend of a resident requests a visit, we put it out to the
community to see if anyone is willing to sponsor. Most of the time someone
steps up, otherwise we have to say no. We don't make the rules any different
for any category of guest.

Last year we hosted a meeting of the Coho/US board and this year we are
hosting a meeting of the FIC board.

Eris Weaver, Facilitator & Group Process Consultant
Author, "Let's Talk About Money: A Conversation Guide for Intentional
eris [at]

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