Re: quorum
From: Lynn Nadeau / Maraiah (
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:45:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Sep 16, 2011, at 3:16 AM, cohousing-l-request [at] wrote:

We have Class 1 decisions which are financial and legal issues that affect owners. There is one vote per household, a 51% quorum, 22 households.

Class 2 decisions include everything else and the quorum is 51% of all members which includes owners and residents who have chosen to be associate members. That number is becoming difficult because ....

At RoseWind Cohousing, Port Townsend WA, long built, we have also defined Class One and Class Two decisions. We have 24 households. Quorum is based on household, and needs at least one member from 51% of the households. So 13. (which ends up with more people than that in the room, as many households have two people in attendance).

Class One decisions (budget, significant policy, selection of Steering Committee, for example) only happen a few times a year, normally. These require 10 days notice, and quorum. Other decisions do not require a quorum at all. (Facilitation could decide, on a common sense basis, not to conclude deciding a proposal if too many interested parties couldn't attend that meeting, but this is rare.)

We have no class of membership except ownership.

Maraiah Lynn Nadeau
where a 2300 sf, 2 story, custom dome house is newly up for resale @ $385K.

  • Re: quorum, (continued)
    • RE: quorum Eris Weaver, February 17 2004
    • re: quorum Lynn Nadeau, February 18 2004
    • Re: quorum Lynn Nadeau / Maraiah, September 16 2011
    • Quorum Lynn Nadeau / Maraiah, May 11 2013

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