Re: Bylaw amendments
From: Willow Murphy (
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 22:06:52 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Pam,
Good idea to continue getting feedback from other communities.
Sharons comments are validating of our suggested changes.
The other feedback suggests we could refer to our consensus process in the
bylaws as the consensus process "as outlined in our community guidelines"
or our whatever our policy & procedures manual is called.  Would that make
the exhibit A unnecessary?

Also, I just accidentally discovered a large, fat notebook in the office
titled "Community Building Resources". I've never seen it before!! I don't
know where it came from -- maybe the Plewas.  Its full of copies of
information on community building issues and consensus process from people
like Tree Bresson and Rob Sandelin, and others...all sorts of relevant
information, including blocking.   Butler is referred to.  I'll see if
there are any gems in it that we can use.

I'll work some more tomorrow on the presentation info and get it to you.

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Pam Gilchrist <pam [at]> wrote:

> Our Sand River bylaws use a condominium template which we are in the
> process of amending to state (in part) " the extent allowed by law
> and the HOA governing documents, the Sand River Community makes
> decisions by consensus using...".  And "...A proposal can come to a vote
> if consensus cannot be reached within three meetings, and the three
> levels of consensus and closing options have been used....".
> Laws vary by states, but are there other cohousing communities who would
> share their experience amending bylaws to insert the consensus process
> with a fall back voting option?
> Pam Gilchrist
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