Re: Short-term rentals
From: Margaret Porter (
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 06:41:53 -0800 (PST)
Cohousers--Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry about short term rentals.  
It was specifically focused on short-term, which can range from a few days to 
several months, depending on the community, its governing covenants, and owner 
choice. I am wondering about any impact on community functioning and 
cohesiveness of such short term renters.  I did not mean to trigger the 
important discussion of renters compared with owners in our larger society or 
in cohousing generally.  That mix obviously varies with personal finances and 
preferences, general economic trends in our country and many other factors. 
Longer term renters are often an integral part of cohousing communities and 
contribute importantly to them.  Thanks again foro your thoughts, Margaret 
Porter, Silver Sage Village
On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:49 AM, Diana Carroll wrote:

> On Sunday, November 3, 2013, R Philip Dowds wrote:
>> What intrigues me about these renter discussions are the two underlying
>> presumptions that:
>>     (1) Homeownership imbues both households and communities with a
>> mystic positive aura that promotes enlightened self-interest, responsible
>> participation, and domestic tranquility; while ...
>>     (2) Renters (if tolerated at all) are potential problems that always
>> need thoughtful and vigilant management.
>> <>
> I didn't see that in any of the responses to this discussion so far.  What
> are you responding to?
> Anyway this question was specifically about short term rentals, not rentals
> in general.  Short termness is a legitimate area of concern when attempting
> to build community.  And by its very nature, ownership isn't generally
> short term ... Just buying the house is a two month process while a renter
> can come and go in less than that.
> I agree that there is an anti renter bias in our society and in cohousing.
> But I don't see in this discussion so I think your screed was off topic and
> unhelpful.
> Renters and owners have different relationships with the homes they occupy,
> and discussing how that affects our communities is valid.  I don't think
> your categorical rejection of "these discussions" and their supposed
> universal  underlying premises is legit.
> Diana
> Mosaic commons Berlin ma
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