Shared community internet service
From: Alan Goldblatt (
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 08:07:52 -0700 (PDT)
Hello all,

This is somewhat related to last month's community wide wifi discussion; we
here at Cobb Hill have been sharing our wired internet service for the past
10 years.  We have two houses that subscribe to DSL and then we pipe it
around to all the other buildings.  Anyone who wants can plug in a wireless
router in their house to have wireless.  This has worked fairly well, and
our provider is now installing fiber for much improved speeds.  Which we
were initially excited about...

Unfortunately, they don't like our sharing scheme, and really want each
house to purchase its own service (of course).  I'm curious what others
have done about this.  Do you subscribe to a "business" plan that allows
shared usage?  Make everyone purchase their own service?  Other scenarios?

Thanks much,

Alan Goldblatt
Cobb Hill Cohousing
Hartland, VT

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