Y2K & Cohousing
From: Zev Paiss (zpaissearthlink.net)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 12:11:19 -0600
Dear Friends,

Here at the Nomad cohousing commuhity we have been talking about Y2K
since September of last year.  The feeling of the community vary greatly
with a few people feeling that is is important to do some preparation
and other feeling that nithing will actually happen.

We have focused on the two areas of creating a larger garden and getting
a wood stove for the common space.

Regardless of how cohousing communities feel about the potential effects
of Y2K, I would like to urge each community to readdress your
committment to long term sustainability and do what you can to move in
that direction.

Happy Spring,

Zev Paiss
Nomad Cohousing

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