Looking for advice on terms with developer
From: Z. Peter Lazar (petershadowlakevillage.org)
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:25:50 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Extended Neighbors,

Blue Ridge Cohousing (BRC) of Charlottesville, Virginia is beginning to work out a Letter of Intent with a nonprofit developer. BRC and the developer have been talking for quite some time and there is a lot of goodwill. BRC and developer want to share both the financial risks and rewards.

Can any of you with past experience with a cohousing developer describe the most important of your terms? In particular, we're interested to know how much financial risk other cohousing groups took on and how much financial reward they were promised in their agreements with developers. But it would be good to also know about other important terms. You can e-mail me directly, or better yet for the advancement of cohousing, send them to this listerv for posterity.

Our core group of 10 families knows how much it can invest upfront and has ideas about the level of presales we could promise the developer.

We are willing to hire a cohousing professional to provide guidance as well. So if you are a cohousing professional, feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

Peter Lazar

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