other type of members - aka associate members thread
From: CJ Q (homeschoolvideogmail.com)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 06:39:47 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Diana,
I am very interested in your different types of memberships. So anyone who
lives there is part of the HOA like any condo and I assume pay those dues.
So, if they choose to be a member of the cohousing community (meals, common
house furnishing, etc like you mentioned) is there another dues for those
Those who don't want to be a part of the cohousing then just live there? I
assume they still get to know and talk to their neighbors?
It's very interesting all that you've been saying. How many households are
there on the property? And is the other cohousing at the same property or
near by?
I think you also mentioned, or someone did, ways to ask a member to leave.
Why would anyone want to do that? If they are violating cohousing
agreements or something? I"m curious.  I know one concern many cohousing
communities have is about renters or re-sale people moving in for the house
but not the cohousing aspects so I wonder how that works with your
different tiers.
Thanks in advance,

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